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Unit testing and Integration testing

Software Testing
Santosh Singh Santosh Singh
Table of Contents

    What is the Unit Test?

    The programmer writes a unit test to confirm that the very little bit of code accomplishes what it is designed to do. A unit test is narrow in scope, and it should be simple to write and execute. The effectiveness of unit tests depends on what the programmer considers to be useful. Unit tests are intended to help the programmers and are not valuable immediately. If the unit tests pass, both testers and users may benefit from fewer issues.

    Unit Testing
    Unit Test

    A unit test implies that items outside the code are tested and mocked or stubbed out. Unit tests should not include any types of dependencies on external systems. The unit test mainly tests the internal consistency as opposed to proving that it plays accurately with an external system.

    Rules of the Unit Tests

    Unit testing rules
    Unit testing rules

    Here are some essential properties of the unit tests. Developers of the unit test are both creators and primary consumers also. This testing does not directly target final users or stakeholders. To know the rules of the unit test one should see a famous definition of a unit test.

    1. A test is not a test if it talks to the database
    2. If it communicates across the network, then it is not a test
    3. it cannot be defined as a test if it touches the file system.
    4. If it cannot run at the same time as any other unit tests, it is not a test.

    Isolation is good for Unit tests:

    A true test is fully insulated from the outside world. When it comes to unit testing, then the speed matters the most and speed is essential. Relying on things slows tests down. Unit testing must be deterministic, and when the test currently passes, then it should not start failing without changing the code of the tests. A test should not rely on their tests or any external dependencies. An ideal test covers a particular and even a small portion of the code. A proper unit test is an excellent tool to gain super, precise feedback.

    What is an Integration Test?

    An integration test is mainly done to demonstrate the several different pieces of the system which operate together. Integration tests cover the whole application and also need some effort to put together. Integration tests mainly require resources like database instances and the hardware to be allocated for them. This test performs more convincing functions of demonstrating the system works and represents production.

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    Integration testing
    Integration testing

    Integration tests can be full-fledged system tests under real-world settings or any test that uses a non-mocked resource. At one end of the range, an integration test may be a unit test that compares a repository to an in-memory database. At the other end of the spectrum and the test proving apps can readily exchange messages.

    What is the main motive of the Unit Test?

    In a nutshell, unit test motive is to separate the system components and to inspect the individual functions.

    Besides this unit test helps to accomplish the following approach:

    1. Unit tests find bugs in the development cycle and also allow introducing bugs and system defects early during the development procedure. In this way unit tests resolve the issues of the development team before integrating the units and impacting a whole system.
    2. The unit test helps to improve code reusability as the revised unit tests are correctly tested. When the development team misses out on unit testing, then the odds of reusing buggy code and spawning numerous systems fail and that leads to future changes dramatically.
    3. Developers can be confident that the bugs or compilation issues by testing the units beforehand. The written code fulfills the function as per the specification requirements.
    4. The unit test validates the system’s behavior. Missing a single unit test can cause further testing procedures to be more challenging, and the impact of system failures will have a higher magnitude and more likely it will help to prevent the program from operating together.
    5. By testing every unit of the development system individually is a way to make sure that the code-level bugs will not complicate integration testing.

    What is the main motive of the integration test?

    Always ensure that software modules work entirely whenever you go to integrate them.

    1. Integration testing makes sure to meet the requirements connectivity specified by the testing plan between modules.
    2. Integration testing identifies interface errors that may occur during the integration process. It validates both functional and non-functional interface components. Once the series of integration tests is complete, the testing team should have full confidence in the software interface’s operation.
    3. Integration test always makes sure that the synchronization between modules, and it helps project teams to make sure the software testing modules can work with no other defects simultaneously. It is fully synchronized with each other.
    4. Integration testing fixes exception handling defects which are very important for high assurance systems. Mainly such mechanisms are presented in most the programming language.
    5. Integration testing helps to pinpoint the weak spots quickly and red flags and reduce the risk before the release of the final build.

    The Advantages of Unit Test in Software Development

    Many people view unit testing as an unnecessary addition to the already hectic schedules of testers. It takes a while to run the unit test in the entire system. Also, it is very typical for the tech project manager to skip the stage together.

    Numerous Advantages of Unit Testing

    1. Unit testing reduces the maintenance cost, and it is one of the most significant advantages for developing systems. Testing early and often is a tried and true way to decrease the counting of testing expenses. It fixes the bugs in the early stage of the development system, and it is about four to five times cheaper than coming back to it after the release of the products.
    2. It also reduces uncertainty in the behavior of units, and in software, this testing helps to validate the performance of the necessary code. It provides an explained description of such a far unit behavior in the pattern of testing documentation and logs. It so increases the level of confidence in the functionality of the backbone code among all the tech teams.
    3. It does not require any high skilled teams of testers to conduct the performance on the developing systems. The developers may also complete it. While performing unit testing, the developers or testers don’t need to control multi-layered interfaces or write a problematic test case. Executing the unit tests often follows the self-regulatory structure of the testing environment. It won’t require any superior concentration from the team of unit testing.
    4. Unit testing helps to inspect change that occurs and can break the design contract. Help to maintain and change the code. It ensures pinpointing the faults that break the design of the agreements, and this procedure helps to improve code design as a whole. The encouragement of developers in establishing a uniform code interface also ensures the ability to test every component.

    The Advantages of Integration Testing in Software Development

    Integration testing in development software is one of the crucial parts as it helps teams to pinpoint weak spots and any hidden secret defects at a very early stage of development and promotes more confidence in the product.

    Advantages of Integration Testing

    1. It takes more time to run the integration tests, but the process improves the speed and facilitates end-to-end testing. Though it takes time for working but also relatively improves and makes fast functions of the system.
    2. Integration testing provides efficient system-level of issue inspections as integration testing falls under the definition of system-level testing. A tester needs to combine the modules and validate their joint functions. The team will get a better outcome in the system performance by moving on to the next step, which is system testing.
    3. Integration testing also inspects bugs at the very early stage of the development system. Adopting integration testing allows the project teams to pinpoint security and the problems of connection at the first cycle of the development system. Integration testing systems provide the developer with superior control over the products and also promote awareness of the system.

    The similarity amongst Unit Test and Integration Test

    Unit testing and integration testing both are kinds of testing that require coding, in contrast, to make testing rely on screen recording.

    Both methods of testing allow you to use comparable, if not the same, technologies. You can use the same tool to perform unit testing as well as integration testing.

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    The distinction amongst Unit Testing and Integration Testing

    Unit TestIntegration Test
    The outcome of unit testing is explained visibility of the codeThe outcome of integration testing is explained visibility of the integration structure
    Do not exposes the integration errors or system-wide issuesExpose the integration errors or system-wide issues
    Unit testing uncover the issues within the functionality of individual modulesIntegration testing uncover the bugs which arise within the different modules
    It has cheap maintenanceIt has costly maintenance
    It begins from the module specificationsIt begins from the interface specifications
    Carried out the initial stage of testingCarried out the stage after performing unit testing
    It can be performed anytimeIt can only be performed before system testing
    Test the single components of the entire developing systemsTest the system components working together
    Tests a unit of isolationTests the collaboration of the multiple units
    It is faster to executeIt runs slow
    Does not require any external dependenciesRequires interactions of the external dependencies
    It is simple to operateIt is very complex to operate
    It is conducted by the developersIt is conducted by the testers
    It is like white box testingIt is like black box testing

    When to use unit testing and integration testing?

    To choose whether to employ which tests, examine the Teat Pyramid notion. This pyramid shows that you should prioritize fast unit tests rather than other slower types. Maximize the usage of unit testing by applying it to a portion of the codebase to deal with business and domain logic. It also doesn’t need any external dependencies. Build the application in a way that isolates the code to deal with the external dependencies. To reduce the amount of that code, you need to test it with the use of integration testing.

    Read more: Software testing best practices: Knowing the distinguished specifications


    Unit testing and integration testing are a part of the development system software which involves testing life cycle. These two share a common motive which is to inspect the software defects as early as possible. Hire professionals from Amplework today!

    There is a massive difference between these two testing’s also. While the former approach the system as a series of modules defects the interaction and connections between the unit testing and integration testing. Later tests are product unit by unit.

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