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Securing Africa’s Leading E-Commerce Platform with Tailored Security and Compliance Solutions

Client Overview

Konga is one of Africa’s largest and most influential e-commerce platforms, connecting millions of buyers and sellers across the continent. The platform offers a wide variety of products, from electronics to household goods, facilitating transactions on a massive scale. With such rapid growth in both user base and transaction volume, Konga faced significant challenges related to securing its online marketplace, ensuring compliance with regional and international regulations, and maintaining customer trust.

The Challenge

Operating as a market leader in African e-commerce, Konga faced unique security and compliance challenges that required a tailored solution

01 Managing High-Volume Transactions

Konga handles a huge volume of daily transactions across multiple product categories. The platform needed to ensure that all these transactions were secure while maintaining a frictionless shopping experience for users. Securing these transactions was critical, particularly as the risk of fraud, card skimming, and unauthorized access grew with increased scale.

02 Complex Regulatory Environment

As Konga expanded across African markets, it had to navigate a complex regulatory landscape. Different regions had their own regulations for data privacy, online payments, and consumer protection, adding layers of complexity in ensuring compliance across borders.

03 Preventing Vendor and Buyer Fraud

With thousands of sellers and buyers, Konga needed a system to detect and prevent fraudulent activities, such as fake accounts, unauthorized sales, and fraudulent chargebacks. Building trust in the marketplace was key to maintaining Konga’s reputation as a safe and reliable platform.

04 Data Privacy and User Protection

Handling the personal and financial information of millions of users required strict adherence to data privacy standards. Konga needed to ensure that all user data, including transaction histories and personal details, was protected against breaches and misuse.

The Solution

Amplework Software worked with Konga to create a multi-faceted security and compliance solution tailored to the needs of a large, cross-border e-commerce platform. Our approach focused on building trust between buyers, sellers, and the platform by addressing the specific security threats and regulatory challenges Konga faced.

We designed and implemented a custom fraud detection system that monitored user behavior in real-time. This system was built to detect patterns of fraudulent activity, such as large volumes of transactions from suspicious accounts, mismatches in billing and shipping addresses, and unusual purchase behavior. The system flagged high-risk transactions for review, reducing the likelihood of fraud without interrupting the flow of legitimate transactions.

Custom Fraud Detection Algorithms

Given the diverse regulatory environment across Africa, we built a flexible compliance framework that adapted to local laws and regulations. This included adhering to Nigeria’s Data Protection Regulation (NDPR) while also ensuring compliance with global standards like GDPR for cross-border transactions. The system continuously updated Konga on new legal requirements, allowing them to maintain compliance without disrupting operations.

Region-Specific Compliance System

To combat vendor fraud, we developed a vendor verification system that ensured that sellers on the platform were legitimate and trustworthy. The system used multiple layers of verification, including identity checks, document uploads, and background reviews, allowing Konga to create a trusted environment for buyers. Verified vendors were given a “trust badge,” boosting their credibility and improving buyer confidence.

Vendor Trust and Verification Tools

We implemented robust encryption protocols to secure user data, including financial details, contact information, and purchase histories. Data was encrypted both at rest and in transit, ensuring that sensitive information was protected from unauthorized access. Additionally, we helped Konga implement user-centric privacy policies that allowed customers to control how their data was used, in compliance with regional and international regulations.

Data Encryption & Privacy Protection

A key goal for Konga was to integrate security without disrupting the user experience. We developed a secure, frictionless payment gateway that supported multiple payment methods, including local mobile money options, credit cards, and bank transfers. This gateway provided real-time fraud prevention while maintaining a smooth checkout process for users.

Seamless User Experience with Security

In-Depth Implementation Process

Platform Security Assessment

We started with a comprehensive audit of Konga’s platform to identify security vulnerabilities and areas where fraud was most likely to occur. Based on this assessment, we developed a customized fraud prevention and compliance roadmap that addressed both short-term and long-term security needs.

Building Custom Fraud Detection Algorithms

Our team worked closely with Konga to develop fraud detection algorithms specifically designed for high-volume e-commerce. These algorithms monitored transaction patterns and identified anomalies, preventing fraudulent activities like fake account creation, unauthorized sales, and fraudulent chargebacks.

Compliance System Implementation

We designed a compliance system that accounted for the diverse regulatory requirements across Konga’s African markets. This system ensured that the platform adhered to NDPR, GDPR, and other regional laws. The system was built to update automatically as regulations evolved, ensuring Konga stayed compliant in real-time.

Vendor Verification System

To ensure the legitimacy of sellers, we developed a multi-layered vendor verification system. Vendors underwent identity checks, document verification, and background reviews, reducing the risk of fake sellers. This system also incentivized sellers to maintain high standards, as verified vendors received trust badges that improved buyer confidence.

User Data Encryption & Secure Checkout

We implemented advanced encryption techniques to protect user data, including financial information and personal details. We also optimized the checkout process to integrate security without slowing down transactions, ensuring that users could complete purchases quickly while remaining protected.

The Results

The security and compliance solutions delivered by Amplework Software allowed Konga to scale its platform while maintaining trust, security, and regulatory compliance


Reduction in Fraud-Related Incidents

The custom fraud detection system significantly reduced fraudulent activities, including fake accounts and unauthorized sales, leading to a 70% reduction in fraud-related incidents across the platform.

Konga achieved full compliance with NDPR, GDPR, and other relevant regulations, ensuring that the platform could operate across borders without facing legal risks or penalties.

Full Compliance with Regional and International Regulations

The vendor verification system built trust between buyers and sellers, leading to an increase in successful transactions and a decrease in buyer complaints related to fraudulent listings.

Enhanced Vendor and Buyer Trust

The implementation of the secure payment gateway led to a smoother checkout experience, increasing conversion rates and reducing cart abandonment by 25%.

Faster, More Secure Checkout

Case Studies

Success Stories with Our ai Solutions

Here are a few examples of businesses that have successfully transformed with our ai solutions:



Led a digital transformation to improve
healthcare access and provider recommendations, enhancing user experience
and engagement.

Increase in User Engagement
Faster Load Times
View Case Study
Image 1


Integrated AI-driven chat capabilities to enhance
customer communication management and streamline responses for

Reduction in Response Time
Increase in Customer Satisfaction
View Case Study
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Developed an AI-powered platform for women's
health tracking, providing real-time insights and personalized

Accuracy in Health Predictions
Increase in User Engagement
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Implemented a data-driven platform connecting
users with psychedelic therapy providers, enhancing accessibility and user

Increase in User Engagement
Reduction in Search Times
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Transformed GlampingHub’s booking platform to
enhance user experience and streamline the booking process for luxury

Increase in Booking Conversions
Surge in Mobile Traffic
View Case Study
Image 1


Created a scalable membership-based platform for Lox
Club to facilitate meaningful connections among users.

Faster Membership Processing
Improvement in Matchmaking Accuracy
View Case Study
Image 1

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